
Golden Glorious Light

Sharing is caring!

I am sad today. No specific reason. Maybe this is what is normal for us women that have crossed the great divide of middle age. Or maybe this is just me.

Kind of a melancholy washing over me with great waves of nostalgia. Like the clouds hanging lightly dark shadowing the glorious sunrise bathing the changing sycamores this morning in a golden yellow of light. Longing for that light to touch my face with a friendly whisper reminding me of the Light.

No great theological debate over beliefs. Just knowing and resting and simple quiet reflection of Him, in Him. Sweet surrender for the One who saves me daily.

Isn’t that the place we all should stop? Gaze with wonder at the cross. Amazement over the fact He would love me with such fervency that He willingly accepted Calvary.

Can we agree to be amazed?

Can we agree to live in wonder?

Will you stop a while and gaze with your heart and mind in agreement at the cross?

Join me?