
Warrior Princess

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She has always seen me differently than I see myself. She looks through eyes of love and forgives my imperfections. She knows they are there but doesn’t get bogged down in the trivial.

Her hugs are all encompassing. She wraps her long arms around me and doesn’t hold anything back. She isn’t shy about displaying how she feels. She has hugged me all my life.

There is a picture of her and me. I was just a baby. They had put a wig on my head that made me look like a little Native American with long dark braids. But I was just a chunky little baby being held by someone that already loved me dearly.

She finds beauty everywhere. She carries a camera and points. The results are precious memories. Memories captured by the eye of the beholder. Always seeking beauty from the Creator. Perhaps because she is beautiful. Living in beauty.

And now she finds herself in a battle. That disease that requires treatments that can be tormenting. And she knows about that torment because she has watched loved ones in similar battles. But she isn’t scared. She is fearless.

You see, she is a warrior princess. And she has a promise. She lives right smack in the middle of that promise. A promise so sure that nothing can destroy it. Her armor is divinely appointed. Anointed.

She knows the battle she faces is not her own. The battle she faces has already been won. She already knows victory. She will take this journey and let her Author write the chapter. And He will hold her hand every step of the way.

And on the other side of the battle she will have a testimony. It will be known. There will be a crowd of witnesses beholding the race she runs and they will see grace and mercy and peace. The Giver of these things has an endless supply and provides abundantly beyond anything we can imagine.36176573_10211984531754060_931806430611111936_o