
Decisions for God

Sharing is caring!

Haven’t I been guilty of the very same thing?  Singling out those that may disagree with me and knowing they oppose my thoughts.  It doesn’t make me dislike the person or become angry because they think differently than me.   Just offers me an opportunity to love regardless of our differences.

Offers me an opportunity to reflect on my beliefs and lay them down beside God’s Word for a self-check.  Am I believing truth?  Or do I need to readjust my beliefs to bring them in line with where He wants them to be?  Or do I need to hold fast and tight to right where I am and fight for what I believe?!?

And to waste time on being hurt or angry because I have been singled out as having a strong belief is not the best use of my time.  But using the time to study and pray for the Holy Spirit to renew my mind so that the good and acceptable will of God is proven through me.  So, I can live transformed and be that proof in living form.

Will I allow the differences to shake me so hard that I rip out my heart and quit doing and living where I am planted?  My roots are well established and although they can easily be ripped from the ground should they be left and perhaps experience some pruning above ground or is a total transplant necessary?  Maybe a few weeds need to be pulled up and thrown out, burned, destroyed.  Cultivate the soil so those roots receive much needed nourishment.

Preparing for a great harvest.

Chewing on this today.  This week.  This moment.

Looking around to consider others.

Stopping and listening.

Desiring God to reveal what it is that is needed.

Wanting to be certain that the decisions made are according to His will.

Will you pray that very thing with me?  For us all!