The ones that knew His story from the very beginning held Him all night. They knew the beginning. They knew the covenants. They knew the persecution. They knew the redemption. They knew about Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David and all the others from the written word they studied. But they held Him all night in contempt.
The next morning they delivered Him to the one that could execute the punishment they demanded for Him. With blind hearts and minds, ignoring the prophecy of old, they took the One they had long waited for and delivered Him to death. Although, they couldn’t follow through with the punishment they demanded, they sought the help of those that could.
He complied. He knew the story from the beginning as well. He was the story. He wrote the story. He knew they, we, needed redemption that would last an eternity. So He gave it.
His death by hanging on a cross was only part of His suffering. That was physical. The deep sorrow that drew drops of blood the night before wasn’t in anticipation of the cross but the work He was to accomplish by taking on all sin upon Himself. All sin on Him. Not just those we want to admit or recognize but all.
He suffered the punishment for my sin.